Tartaric acid USP-NF/Ph.Eur PARENTEX PLUS 500GM Go Back


: 87-69-4

Molecular Formula

: C4H6O6

Molecular Weight

: 150.09
Description: Colorless or translucent crystals or white,fine to granular,crystalline powder. Is odorless, and stable in air.
Solubility: Very soluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol and freely soluble in ethanol (96%)
Identification (By chemical test): Solution should be strongly acid.
Identification (Tartrates): Should give reactions of tartrates.
Identification (By IR): IR spectra of the sample should be concomitant with IR spectra of the standard.
Assay (Dried substance): 99.7% - 100.5%
Appearance of solution: Solution should be clear and not more intensely coloured than reference solution Y6.
Sulfated ash /Residue on ignition: NMT 0.1%
Oxalic acid: NMT 360ppm
Chlorides: NMT 100ppm
Sulfates: NMT 150ppm
Chloride and sulfate:Sulfate: No turbidity should produce.
Calcium (Ca): NMT 200ppm
Specific optical rotation: +12.0° to +12.8°
Loss on drying: NMT 0.2%
Limit of Oxalate: No turbidity should produce.
Total aerobic microbial count: NMT 100 CFU/gm
Total Yeast and mold count: NMT 10 CFU/gm
E.coli: Should be absent /gm
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Should be absent /gm
Staphylococcus aureus: Should be absent /gm
Salmonella: Should be absent /10 gm
Bacterial endotoxin test: NMT 10 EU/gm
COA Product Catalogues Product Search PARENTEX
COA Product Catalogues Product Search PARENTEX