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Molecular Formula

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Molecular Weight

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Description: White crystalline powder.
Identification: A yellow precipitate is formed and it should soluble in an excess of 6N ammonium hydroxide.
Insoluble Substances: NMT 0.005%
Chloride (Cl): NMT 0.002%
Limit of Nitrate: The blue color should not completely discharged in 5min.
Sulphate(SO4): NMT 0.02%
Phosphate,arsenate & silicate(asPO4): NMT 10ppm
Phosphate (PO4): NMT 5PPM
Magnesium and alkali salts: NMT 0.02%
Assay: 99.3% - 101.8%
COA Product Catalogues Product Search PARENTEX
COA Product Catalogues Product Search PARENTEX