Maleic acid IP 5KG Go Back


: 110-16-7

Molecular Formula

: C4H4O4

Molecular Weight

: 116.07
Description: A white or almost white, crystalline powder.
Solubility: Freely soluble in water and in ethanol
Identification A (By TLC test): The principal spot in the chromatogram obtained with test solution (b) corresponds to that in the chromatogram obtained with reference solution (a).
Identification B (By Chemical test): A violet-pink colour develops.
Appearance of solution: A 10.0% w/v solution is clear and not more intensely coloured than reference solutionYS7.
Fumaric acid: NMT 1.5 %
Iron (Fe): NMT 5ppm
Heavy metals: NMT 10ppm
Sulphated ash: NMT 0.1%
Water: NMT 2.0%
Assay: 99.0% - 101.0%(on anhydrous basis)
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